Talking about features, it doesn’t have many options like margin selection, orientation selection, etc. Being said that, you can convert only one JPG file in every 60 minutes. If you do not need any complicated option or you want to convert only one JPG file to PDF file, you can opt for Free PDF Convert tool, which is free but partially. Being said that, it doesn’t matter how many files you upload you can find only one PDF file containing all the image files. Like other tools, you can convert and combine them together. After uploading, you can select the size (A4 or Letter), orientation (Portrait, landscape) and margin those are important to make a PDF file look better. That is because it allows users to drop files from Dropbox and Google Drive apart from computer hard drive. Small PDF has some similarities with I Love PDF app. This is meaningless to mention that you can convert multiple files at once with the help of this simple and free tool. Apart from that, you can set the orientation, margin, etc. You can collect the photo from a computer as well as cloud storage like Dropbox and Google Drive. Although the second tool has some of the useful options, this tool has more than that. I Love PDF is third on this list because of the features and speed. Like the first one, you can combine all the uploaded JPG files into one PDF file. However, the only setback is it takes more time than the first tool. Like the tool mentioned above, you can convert multiple files in bulk.

By making use of those options, you would be able to set margin, page orientation, page size, image size, etc. Ĭ is another handy website, which lets you convert JPG file into PDF file. The size of the converted file is not that high as compared to the source file. The best part is you can combine all uploaded JPG file into a single PDF file. After converting, this would be able to download the file in bulk as well as one by one. This is a simple tool, and it can convert files in bulk, which is an advantage of using this web app. You can access this web app from mobile or any computer you want. JPG2PDF is a simple yet handy tool available for online tool users. You can opt for any tool mentioned in the following list. First one will let you convert the file online and the second category contains some traditional apps. There are two types of JPG to PDF converter available for Android. If you are looking for JPG to PDF converter for Android or PC or online tool, do check out this article, where you can find some of the best tools around the globe. On the other hand, Portable Document Format or PDF is a prevalent file format, which can create a secure document within moments. Whenever you need a good photo, which is a portrait or something like that, you can opt for JPG format instead of PNG format. Joint Photographic Expert Group or JPEG or JPG is a standard image format that is used by digital cameras, mobile cameras, etc.