Lootapults have been added to various maps, which for 10 Eridium will launch a chest that breaks open on the ground nearby, granting high-quality loot. The Secret Stash appears next to the main square's vending machines. Marcus Kincaid appears next to Ellie in the main square. Outside and across the path from Moxxi's Tavern is the Rainbow Chest, which behaves akin to a slightly improved Golden Chest and requires Skeleton Keys to open. Inside Moxxi's Tavern, the Bank appears beside the slot machines.
Crazy Earl's Black Market appears near the Seraph Vendor.A large number of features have been added to Flamerock Refuge:.Vault Hunters gain access to their Action Skill upon leveling up to level 2, with each level up granting 2 skill points at a time.All six Borderlands 2 Vault Hunters are available to play as, with no need to download additional DLC to access Krieg or Gaige.True Vault Hunter mode begins at Level 17. The level cap in Normal Mode is level 17.Vault Hunters begin at level 1 with no gear and no Action Skill, identically to how the original Borderlands 2 campaign began.
Due to the standalone nature of its release, the campaign's scaling has been completely revamped. Within the in-game Gameplay options menu there is a new "Easy Mode" setting, that decreases the amount of damage done to the player's character. An additional cutscene giving a brief recap of the events from Borderlands 2 plays before the original introductory cutscene to the campaign. The main menu has been redesigned, depicting Flamerock Refuge rather than a cliffside overlooking the Highlands.
The A Wonderlands One-Shot Adventure release of Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep is identical to its original release from a story and gameplay perspective, but there are some notable key differences: